Ever Wonder What Steps it Takes to Overcome Personal Life Exhaustion?
Discover Tips for Running a Business that Doesn’t Run You into Fear and Failure!
Find Out Which Techniques Help Balance Work, Life and Ministry in a Transparent World.
Author Angel Lebak suggests with Fishbowl Living it is possible to not only survive but also thrive while in a fishbowl; a place where people watch us and we live our lives in such a way that we have nothing to hide. She writes, “Choosing to be transparent in our successes and failures can be challenging. We search to find those solid pebbles of truth that keep relationships healthy and ourselves sane.” Angel discovers 12 Pebbles that bring freedom while living a life for all to see.
As a wife, mom, business owner and ministry leader, Angel shares real life stories from her success and her failures. “Life in a fishbowl may be stressful, and we may feel belly up sometimes in it. But the pebbles illustrate the freedom of choosing to live there: a life filled with a heart of truth in all areas of our life.”